Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Welcome! :) ~Get to Know the Life of a Dancer~

About Me:

Hey bloggers and readers! It's me, Shreya! In my world, I like to view blogs as a way to share your opinions and flow of ideas! Let's discover new ways to re-imagine life's simplest delights! Now, to introduce myself a little bit. I live and breathe dance. All I think about is dancing. I have seen myself grow as a person through my love for dancing and the transformations that occurred to me have made me the person I am today! So, join me on this journey that we can take together to see the world in a newly-imagined way and get to know the life of a dancer! 

~"Keep on Smilin'!" 


  1. That's really sweet. I really like the vivid prose you used to describe your passion for dancing. May that continue to live on.

    1. Shreya, I know that you are a very talented and encouraging person! You are perfect in every way! I hope that you continue to pursue your dreams, and eventually, you will be an inspirational and professional dancer! I can imagine it! :) Keep DREAMIN', KEEP SMILIN'!

    2. Thank you Elizabeth! I really appreciate your words of encouragement! They will always be with me throughout the rest of my life! :)

  2. Thank you! Indeed, I love dancing! <3

  3. I'm sure you're amazing at dancing!(: I hope I'll get to see you in a performance one day! I am pleased to be on this journey of Shreya Venkatesan HAHA Nice blog and wall paper! (=

    1. You'll definitely see me do a dance recital in 2 years summer! Thank you for being a part of my journey too! :)
